How to see the eclipse without eclipse glasses
How to see the eclipse without eclipse glasses

how to see the eclipse without eclipse glasses

The length of the box is important: the longer the box, the bigger your image of the sun will be. The simplest requires only a long box (at least six feet long), a piece of aluminum foil, a pin, and a sheet of white paper. The above video, “How to Build a Sun Viewer,” shows you a safe way to watch eclipses or other solar events by projecting the Sun’s image. The instant the moon begins to move off the Sun's face, you must go back to using safe viewing techniques. Called totality, it lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. This is the ONLY time: when the moon completely blocks the face of the Sun. If not, go back and re-ead the warning above.ĭuring a total solar eclipse, there are a few short moments when it’s safe to look directly at the Sun. If you are now completely terrified about looking at the Sun, good!-you may keep reading. In additional, there are no pain sensors inside your eye-so you won't even know it's happening! This literally burns your eye, causing permanent eye damage or blindness. If you look at the Sun, your eye’s lens will concentrate the Sun's light and focus it onto a very small spot on the back of your eye, on the retina. So understand this: you have a lens just like that in your eye. If so, you’ll remember that when sunlight is focused onto a small spot with a lens, it gets hot enough to start a fire. This is critical! Why? You may have taken a magnifying glass out into the sun and burned leaves with it. Never view the Sun with the naked eye or by looking through optical devices such as binoculars or telescopes! If you ever want to view a solar eclipse-whether it’s total, annular, or partial-the first thing you must know is this: This is probably the most important part of this website. Be sure to prepare for viewing solar eclipses live: use these tips and techniques to get a clear view without injuring your eyes.

How to see the eclipse without eclipse glasses